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    結婚 /
Marriage /

Vow renewal

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                              パラゴン アレテ















これらの儀式は時代遅れであることに加え、ほとんどの日本人(キリスト教徒でもキリスト教を信じていない人さえいる)にとって実際の意味がない可能性があり、さらに、形式が 1500 年代初頭から変わっていないにもかかわらず、儀式を最新のものにする努力もなされていません。


言葉遣いは 500 年前の英国のステレオタイプに従っており、司式者や聖職者(聖職者)としての訓練は受けていないが、英語(または要求された言語)に堪能な西洋人によって執り行われることが多いです。


テクネ マニュアル


このギャップを埋めるために、テクネ マニュアルは事前教育のステップの大部分を占め、カップルが将来の結婚生活で遭遇する可能性のある多くの側面をカバーしています。

これにより、パラゴン アレテ ウェディング サービスへの道が開かれます。このサービスは、儀式だけでなく、アリストテレスや黄金比の著作に基づいた詳細なコンサルティングを含む結婚前のワークショップも含まれています。



パラゴン アレテ 結婚小冊子



パラゴン アレテの儀式小冊子 (表紙は上) には、アリストテレスの知恵に基づいたまったく新しい儀式が掲載されています。

21 世紀に適応するために、現代世界に合わせたアリストテレスに基づくユニークな結婚誓約のセットが含まれており、新婚夫婦が仕事と家庭生活のバランスをとるのを支援することを目的としています。


儀式は、日本語または英語 (会衆がバイリンガルの場合は両方) で行うことができます。




これらの儀式は、パラゴン アレテ ウェディング セレブレーション コースを修了し、サービスの根幹を成すアリストテレスの知恵を包括的に理解している有資格者によって執り行われます。

これらの儀式の実施方法と場所の詳細については、下記のメール アドレスまでお問い合わせいただくか、お電話で詳細をご確認ください (日本語または英語で対応可能です)。

                                 ​Why is the marriage and birth rate declining in Japan?

You may have asked yourself, why is the institution of marriage and having children declining in popularity in Japan? 

Of course, one of the main reasons put forward is the fact that it is not possible to afford the rising costs of ruunning a household and providng for children, in the modern day economic condition, but this has been the same challenge for previous generations who somehow managed to overcome these difficulties.

Yet today the declining rate continues.

(The article on 'Loneliness' in this website may provide further information concerning this).

This site proposes a completely new approach to weddings, by providing an up-to-date educational workshop, to assist in guidance for young couples wishing to start out on married life.

Not only can this ceremony and workshop provide guidance for newlyweds, it has also been adapted for those who are already married.

Vow renewal is a custom that is very popular in the West, either to refresh and give encouragement for the continuation of the marriage or to celebrate key anniversaries.

                                                                Western Influence

Many Japanese couples wish to have a white wedding ceremony and the idea of a June bride is still prevalent.

However, most 'Western style' ceremonies performed in Japan are based on the book of Common Prayer, a sermon that can be traced back to medieval English churches.

Apart from being well out of date, these ceremonies may not have any real relevance to most Japanese people, (who may not even be Christians or believe in Christianity) and additionally no effort has been made to bring the service up to date, despite the format not having changed since the early 1500s.

These old-fashioned ceremonies are usually delivered in English and/or Japanese or in some cases another language and thus conform, in the most basic sense, to the ambience of a western style wedding. 

The wording follows the 500 year old English stereotype and is often conducted by a western person who has no actual celebrant or clerical (clergy) training, but is fluent in English (or the language requested).

                                                                Techne Manual

Even though marriage is a lifetime commitment, very few practical handbooks have been authored to prepare newlyweds for the challenges that lie ahead on how to keep a marriage successfully created.

To fill this gap, The Techne Manual forms a large part of the prior education step and covers many aspects that

a couple might expect to encounter in their future married life.


This paves the way for the Paragon Arete wedding service, which is not only a ceremony, but also includes a pre-marital workshop with in-depth consultation based on the works of Aristotle and the Golden Mean.


The workshop provides practical tips on how to navigate the challenges ahead.

                                                 Paragon Arete Marriage Booklets






The Paragon Arete ceremony booklets (front covers shown above ) contain brand new ceremonies based on the wisdom of Aristotle.

To bring it into the 21st century, it contains a unique set of Aristotle based wedding vows, geared to the modern-day world, aimed at helping newlyweds balance work commitments and family life.

There is also a section in each booklet containing some tips for maintaining a successful long-term relationship

The ceremonies can be conducted in either Japanese or English (or both if the congregation is bilingual).


Consequently, the booklets are laid out firstly in Japanese kanji and secondly in Japanese / Engllish.

                                                                    Up-to-date Ceremony


These ceremonies and accompanying educational workshop can be performed for your wedding or vow renewal event.

They are conducted by qualified personnel who have completed the Paragon Arete Wedding Celebrant course and have a comprehensive understanding of the wisdom of Aristotle that forms the backbone of the service.

For further information about how and where they can be delivered, please contact us by email as shown below or call for more details (Japanese or English okay).


Paragon Arete

0267 34 0182

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