以下は、以下の YouTube 動画「アリストテレスの生涯と哲学」に含まれる要点の要約トランスクリプトです。
アリストテレスは紀元前 384 年にギリシャのマケドニアの都市スタギラで裕福な貴族の家庭に生まれました。
彼は 20 歳のときにアカデミーに入学しました。アカデミーはアテネでプラトンが運営する学校で、ソクラテスが最初に定めた哲学の原理に基づいて作られました。
彼はそこで 20 年間学び、その並外れた進歩は、息子アレクサンダーの家庭教師を探していたマケドニア王フィリップ 2 世の目に留まりました。
彼は 1000 冊もの本を著したと言われており、その大部分は学生たちが講義ノートから書き写したものです。
論理学 科学、 美学 哲学。
おそらく古代ギリシャで最もよく知られている論理の例は、ソクラテスが考案した弁証法的推論と呼ばれるもので、2 つの矛盾する反対意見 (テーゼとアンチテーゼ) を比較することで結論 (統合) を導き出しました。
徳の高い道徳的行動は、過剰と不足という 2 つの極端の間の中庸であると主張する概念。
中庸 (中間線) を確立するには、適度な忍耐と経験が必要ですが、これは長期間にわたる勤勉な実践からのみ得られます。
「春をもたらすのはツバメ 1 羽や晴れた日ではないのと同じように、人を祝福したり幸せにしたりするのも 1 日や短い時間ではない」。
徳は、いくつかの善行によって得られるものではなく、正しい行動 (習慣) の一貫性によって培われなければなりません。
(ギリシャ語:パラコーン – 試金石 > 金の合金をテストするために使用され、したがって標準または基準となる)。
彼らが念頭に置いているのは、各人が主に自分のことだけを考え、公共の利益についてはほとんど考えないという、ただ 1 つの目的だけです。
彼らは「トップ」への道の途中でインサイダー取引から利益を得て、株式市場を自分たちに有利に操作し、後で必要になったときに大量に必要になる商品を購入できるように事前警告を受けます(Covid 19)。
Below is a condensed transcript of the main points contained in the You Tube video below - The Life and Philosophy of Aristotle.
The exact transcript can be clicked on the video.
Aristotle was born in 384 BC in the Macedonian city of Stagira, Greece into a wealthy aristocratic family.
At the age of 20 he entered the Academy, a school run by Plato in Athens which was formulated on the principles of philosophy first laid down by Socrates.
He studied there for twenty years and his exceptional progress was noted by Philip II, the King of Macedonia, who was looking for a tutor for his son Alexander.
Aristotle accepted this task and formed one of the most powerful alliances in history which resulted in Alexander conquering a large portion of the European and Asian continents.
Even though Alexander used brute force to achieve his conquests, Philip was very pleased his son’s education and used his power and influence to support Aristotle.
Consequently, at the age of 53 Aristotle created a philosophical school of this own in Athens called the Lyceum. This is often referred to as the or the “Peripatetic school” (because of his habit of walking around whilst giving his lectures).
An encyclopaedia of philosophy.
Aristotle’s areas of research left literally no stone unturned, so much so that he was often referred to as the human encyclopaedia of philosophy.
It is said that he may have authored as many 1000 books, the majority of which were transcribed by his students from their lecture notes.
Unfortunately, over the centuries many of these were lost or destroyed but his works live on in the ones that were preserved.
His main areas of research that were preserved were:
Logic Science, Aesthetics Philosophy.
Perhaps the most well-known example of logic in ancient Greece was that originated by Socrates, known as dialectic reasoning, whereby a conclusion was drawn (synthesis) by comparing two contradictory opposites (thesis and antithesis).
Aristotle expanded on this theory (including an in-depth study of words and their definitions) and this led to his research into philosophy.
Aristotle made observations regarding many diverse subjects such as astronomy, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine and meteorology to name but a few.
Many of these studies were undertaken without the advantage of any technical instruments available to modern day scientists,
e.g. astronomy (telescope) physics (thermometer) weather (barometer) and even time (chronological instruments)
Despite this his observations formed the basis of critical scientific research for the next millennium.
Aristotle defined aesthetics as the philosophy of beauty.
His first frame of reference was the innate beauty of Mother Nature which he considered was the impulse that inspires ‘noble thoughts’.
These noble thoughts motivated man to produce works of art, such as architecture, painting, sculpture, dance and theatre, with the end goal of evoking the highest forms of human emotion and the meaning and purpose of life.
Philosophy enters the realm of metaphysics, encompassing the study of reality and existence, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, identity, time, space and the first principles (causes) of things.
This naturally includes who and what we are and what our purpose is and even who may be the initial creator of all (called the Prime Mover Unmoved by Aristotle).
This led to a study of physical forms (empirical study) and those things outside this category (metaphysics).deoted as spiritual identity (soul).
He considered that the soul was not unique to humans and was present in all animate things, only differing in one main respect.
Plants and animals are driven by the primal urge to reproduce
Human beings are driven by the ability to reason.
This includes the ability to contemplate universal thought and the concept that the spiritual being formulates personality, memory and character independent from the human body.
Man and his quest for perfection.
"The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials." Chinese proverb.
The same can be said for ethical behaviour and happiness, which is most commonly viewed as the end goal of human existence.
Happiness can only be achieved in direct relation to virtuous living and human conduct, in other words excellence requires the application of virtue, a difficult path to follow not achieved without a certain amount of friction along the way.
Activities such as pleasure, intellect, honour, respect and so forth all require clear judgment and rational thought. They are all employed as a means to arrive at the end goal - happiness.
The Golden Mean:
To achieve this end, Aristotle drew on the principle of the Golden Mean.
A concept that asserts that virtuous moral behaviour is a mean between two extremes - one of excess and one of deficiency.
Establishing the mean (middle line) requires the right amount of patience and experience, which can only be derived from diligent practice gained over a extended period of time.
“It is not one swallow or fine day that makes a spring, so it is not one day or a short time that makes a man blessed or happy”. Aristotle
Virtue is not obtained through a few good deeds, but must be cultivated through a consistency of right actions (habit).
A' Paragon of Virtue' could be considered as a model of excellence, an individual who employs virtue as his moral compass in all activities.
(Gk: parakone – touchstone > used for testing alloys of gold, thus a standard or criterion).
“Men have a touchstone whereby to try gold, but gold is the touchstone whereby to try men”. Thomas Fuller
Unfortunatey this tends to preclude the idea that money can make you happy !
Without knowledge and reason and a contribution towards a worthwhile purpose, no worldly goods will bring about the internal peace associated with personal happiness.
How do you define a true friend?
A true friend is a person who maintains a valued relationship of trust and reliability. over a consistent period of time.
Many true friendships last a lifetime.
The common denominator of friendship is the connection of like-minded equals.
“He who seeks equality between unequals, seeks an absurdity.”
This rolls over into the government of nations.
“Power tends to corrupt but absolute power corrupts absolutely”.
Lord Acton.
Aristotle warned to be suspicious of those who boast of countless friends.
These ‘friends are only used as tools by corrupt individuals who work their way to the top using skilful rhetoric.
They only one purpose in mind - that each person thinks chiefly of his own, and hardly ever of the public interest.
It is a sad fact that the innate wickedness of human nature compels politicians and government officials to use bribery, coercion, blackmail, blatant lying and even death to achieve their nefarious ends.
On their way to the 'top' they benefit from insider trading so they can maniptlate the stock market in their favour and are given advance warnings so they can purchase goods that will later be needed in abundance when their use is required (Covid 19).
Trying to make inferiors equal to superiors has led to communism and revolution and simply doesn’t work.
Even democracy can be viewed as a path to hell paved with good intentions that got lost along the way.
The middle line between desire and hate is love.
When governments have love of humanity as the driving force of law and order instead of their own personal power and wealth, perhaps there will be peace on earth.